HI, I'M LIZ...
I very humbly consider myself to be the definition of the American dream.
I was born in Cuba and lived there until I was 9 years old. My parents brought me to the States without speaking a word of English or having a penny to our names. One thing we did bring though, was a hunger to grow.
I graduated from Fort Myers High School, earning a fully paid scholarship, with which I later graduated FIU with a Bachelors in International Relations. I have always been a hard worker and I always believed I was meant for more. It's always been clear to me that dreams don't work unless you do, and that's exactly what I did.
I am now a Senior Executive Director with MONAT Global and Founder of their Hispanic movement in South Florida and the rest of world. My team and I have inspired tens of thousands of women and men to join the MIAMIroots movement since we started in 2018 and strive to inspire many more in the years to come.
Why do I tell you this? Because I am MIAMIroots. My business partners are MIAMIroots, and our hunger to continue growing our movement cannot be stopped.

What makes you different from any other Monat leader?My passion for seeing others become the best version of themselves. I believe every day we choose our thoughts and actions and I want to encourage you to choose to be courageous, step outside your comfort zone and go after everything you promised yourself you would achieve. Whether it is a personal or financial goal, you can make the choice to work harder than you ever have to achieve what you have never achieved.
What is your favorite Monat Product and why?I love all of our products, but if I had to chose I would say the ones I use on a daily basis. From our award winning skin care products, I love our BePurified line for my oily skin, the bakuchiol retinol alternative, the night haven cream, our makeup remover, and our SPF 40 BB Cream. From our award winning hair care products, my favorites are the dry shampoo, the bond repair line, the unknot detangler, our smoothing anti-frizz blow out spray, and the texturizing spray. From our award winning wellness products, I can’t live without our balance pre and probiotic and our vegan protein which is dairy free, soy free, and gluten free. And last but not least, our crown jewel Rejuvenique Oil, which I use on my hair, scalp, and skin!
How do you start your mornings?With a moment of gratitude and prayer, followed by meditation, and personal development through a podcast or reading.
What is your biggest fear and why?Not learning something new every day. I believe the day you stop learning is the day you stop growing, so I want to learn something new every day!